Ravenwood School Of Magical Arts En Magus Nos Fides shirt
“God Exists” is not the default. It’s never been proven true. It’s why you don’t believe Odin or Osiris exist. There’s no evidence to support the claim. The same holds true of your God. First off, you need to learn what an atheist is and is not, because your question indicates that you have no idea. Look it up. Secondly, no legitimate atheist would ever make such a claim. This is obviously a theist fantasy being verbalized and used as a gotcha question. Unfortunately, it is a meaningless and invalid question to ask. My answer will, now and always, be, “No”. And that’s atheism. All of it. No more than that question and response.
We atheists know you theists won’t accept this, so if you’re not too much of a coward, look up the definition of atheism and/or atheist in a dictionary. One approach is to slowly sink into a crouch while simultaneously pulling your shirt up your back and over your face. Yes, of course. I can do it using exactly the same methods which you would use to prove to your spouse that there was no butter in the house and you needed to buy some more. First you look in all the places that butter ought to be. Then you look in all the other places that you think butter could possibly have got into somehow. Then you decide that there isn’t any butter, and head for the shops. Are you now in a condition of absolute certainty that there isn’t one single atom of butter in your house? No, of course not. There could be a smear on the underside of your mattress, or a blob between the joists of your attic and the roof. But you should be convinced, as a reasonable person, that if there is any butter in your house then it’s not in a form of any interest or value to you.
Buy this shirt: https://myclubtee.com/product/ravenwood-school-of-magical-arts-en-magus-nos-fides-shirt/
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