Impeachment is also not a violent murder or not a lynching, so there is no grounds for suggesting impeachment is a lynching and therefore also not a reason to make treason accusations. no it isn’t and should be burned to ashes right now. Start wearing these right now to help really make America great! Is now, the man is dead. During the civil war, if you lived in an area controlled by the Federal juggernaut; you would must definitely go to prison. I doubt you could even post a loyalty bond. More than likely, during your arrest you would be shot 6–8 times (depending on the number sent to arrest you,) for trying to escape while smoking 🚬, and sitting in your chair 🪑, on the front porch. Free speech is legal but it makes me question the gullible and foolish clown who would wear it 🤔 😒 😐 😕 😑 🤣. tRUMP however SHOULD BE tried for Treason. Yes, under the first amendment, but it might also be construed as hate speech if you wear it in public in certain places Tell us what he did t...
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